Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. Click on the question below to see the answer.
Booth locations are primarily assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Booth location priorities are based on the date your contract and payment are submitted. For the best location, be sure to register and pay as soon as possible!
Yes. You are welcome to bring your own furniture (tables, chairs, etc.), as long as it fits within the boundaries of your booth configuration (10’ x 10’ per booth). The Fire Marshal is very strict about this. Also, keep in mind that table coverings need to be labeled as fire retardant (please see agreement details).
Yes, we can still give out door prizes that are brought to us at the conference; however, they may not be listed in our publications if you have not notified us by June 1st.
No. There are occasions when the exhibit hall floor plan needs to be tweaked at the last minute. In order to avoid confusion, booth assignments are not published until you check-in.
When the workshop schedule is ready, it will be available on the conference website ( Please keep in mind that the schedule is subject to change until early June. Fitting exhibitors with various needs into the schedule is a lot like a logic puzzle. Certain requests or requirements can force us to move them around until the schedule is set.
Name badges may be left blank for exhibitors to hand-write their name in. Please be sure to purchase a separate name badge for each exhibitor – even if they are taking turns. Name badges are non-transferable.
Per your signed agreement, you must have your booth manned for the duration of the conference. If it is necessary to vacate your booth early, you must notify us prior to June 1st.
You need to specify how many name badges you will need on the registration page, then when you go on to the next page, there will be spaces for names.